Children’s Section

Theme – Flight

The theme has been selected to reflect on the wonder of flight and how humans have studied nature to find our own ways to fly.

This covers such a huge area, from insects and birds who have the natural ability to fly, through to humans who have studied nature and over the years have developed their own techniques to take to the air – some more successful than others!

We welcome entries covering flight from any and all perspectives. Children are invited to enter any of the classes outlined below and are encouraged to research flight in nature OR the history of flight to give them inspiration.

All Classes are Free to Enter

Bring your masterpiece on showday -Saturday 3 rd August from 9am – 12:00. 

Find the Childrens tent where we will meet you to register your entry and display it ready for the judges. The tent will be closed for half an hour for judging between 12:30 and 13:00, after which, you will be able to come back and see the results.

Please note that Emley Show is a ticketed event and to gain entry into the showground tickets must be purchased either through the website or on the gate


1 st – Paper Planes to Fold & Fly Book
2 nd – Rosette
3 rd – Rosette 



  • Classes are open to most age groups, as listed in the table below.
  • ‘Recycled art’ is a freestyle class – children may enter a model, collage, painting, sculpture, or handicraft. The only requirement is that the materials used should be predominantly recycled from household waste, such as old clothes, packaging, natural materials found in the wild etc.
 Age 3-4Age 5-8Age 9-11Age 12-15
Recycled art 950951952953
Photography X954955956
Lego model X957958959
Baking – healthy sweet treats 960 (decorating a sweet treat)961962963
Handwriting / Poetry X964965966
Painting, Pencil, Crayons 967968969970
Handicraft 971972973974